Canon Lbp 2900 Software Download for Mac Updated

Canon Lbp 2900 Software Download for Mac

If yous are having problems using Canon LBP2900B printer on your Apple MacBook Pro or MacBook Air devices, then you are not alone. In that location are plenty of people like you who are trying to install LBP2900B drivers patch to arrive piece of work on macOS Mojave.

Skilful news is, a working patch for Mojave is now bachelor and you can download and install it very easily. Once y'all install drivers and apply the patch, your MacBooks will start detecting LBP2900B printer.

If you don't know, Canon LBP2900B printer is an erstwhile but very successful model from Canon which suits perfectly for part usage. This laser shot black and white LBP2900B printer is low-cal in weight and works on toner cartridge which can print up to 12 papers per minute.  Though this Canon LBP2900B printer sounds expensive when compared with modern inkjet color printers, it has its own advantages like less expensive press cost, fast and jam-free 2400 x 600dpi laser-quality printing.

But Canon overlooked Apple users and haven't updated their drivers for MacBook Air and MacBook Pro devices since 2015. Luckily, LBP2900B had a expert community base and people started investing their time to develop patches for every macOS updates. As expected, Canon LBP2900B stopped working on macOS Mojave and users are finding a way to download and install Canon LBP2900B drivers on macOS Mojave devices.

How to Setup Canon LBP2900B Printer on MacBook Pro and MacBook Air

I accept been using this quondam printer from a very long time which used to work fine on macOS Sierra but today it started giving issues on my MacBook Pro which is running on macOS Mojave 10.fourteen.2. Later this recent macOS update, it fails to notice the printer and stuck at the print dialog box.

Tutorial to setup Canon LBP2900B on macOS

If you are likewise on the aforementioned rails who are looking to install Catechism LBP2900B drivers patch on macOS Mojave, so you are at the right identify. This article volition provide you detailed steps to set up LBP2900B printer drivers problem on MacBooks.

Technically LBP2900B drivers for macOS is not available fifty-fifty on the official Canon website. Only all the same, we can prepare-upwardly the printer using LBP3000 drivers and applying a simple patch over it. Don't worry, this process is very simple if y'all follow the beneath steps carefully.  Hither is how you tin can install Canon LBP2900B printer drivers on MacBook with latest Mojave update .

Step 1: Uninstall Old Printer Drivers

I society to avoid conflicts with the old printer drivers, you accept to first delete them completely from your device. To uninstall the current printer, click on Apple icon on the top left corner and select Arrangement Preferences…

Opening System Preferences in macOS

Y'all will now see a lot of system options and you lot demand to click on Printers and Scanners icon.

Printers and Scanners option in System Preferences

Select the one-time printer from the left side printers listing, click on push button and select Delete Printer to delete your existing printer.

Remove all Old Printers by clicking on - Button

After deleting all unused printers, restart your Mac for the changes to take result.

If you lot take any unused or duplicate printers in the list, make sure you delete all of them to be on the safer side. But double-check you are non uninstalling scanners or other working printers accidentally.

Y'all need to be very careful while removing the printers if you lot take more than i printer or scanners installed on your device already.

Step ii: Download and Install CAPT Printer Driver & Utilities for Mac V10.0.0

Open up Catechism official website to download CAPT Printer Commuter & Utilities for Mac V10.0.0. The drivers and utilities listed there is actually for Canon LBP3000 printer but don't worry, we'll apply a patch to brand it compatible with LBP2900B printer.

Once y'all accept the terms and weather condition checkbox, the download button volition exist activated. Clicking on it will start downloading mac-capt-v1000-uken.dmg file and you accept to salve information technology on the desktop.

Download drivers and utilities for Canon LBP2900B

Double click the file to mount and open the disk image. You volition run into two folders named Documents and MacOSX. Inside MacOSX folder, double click on Canon_CAPT_installer.pkg file to install the parcel contents.

Install Canon drivers and utilities

Now you take successfully installed the required drivers of LBP3000 printer (Yes, not really for LBP2900B printer). So you need to utilize the below patch to right this model number mismatch.

Step 3: Apply LBP2900B Patch for macOS Mojave

After installing CAPT commuter and utility, you lot need to now apply the patch to make it piece of work on Mojave update. Offset, download the patch canon_lbp2900b_patch_mojave.nix and excerpt the files on your desktop.

Now from the Finder menu, select Go and click on Go to Finder…

Go to Folder option in Mac

Under Go to the binder: text field, paste this path /Library/Printers/Canon/CUPSCAPT2/Bidi and click Become.

Open Bidi folder

From Desktop, copy captmoncnab3 file from the extracted files of and replace it inside the Bidi folder. Since yous are replacing a file in System folder, you volition be asked to enter the Administrator password.

Replace captmoncnab3 in Bidi folder

Again under Go to the folder: text field, paste the following path /Library/Printers/Canon/CUPSCAPT2/cnaccm and hitting Get.

Open cnaccm folder

Now copy the file CnAC28B9.DAT from already extracted patch files and supplant it in cnaccm folder. After replacing these 2 files carefully, reboot your Mac and proceed to next pace.

Replace CnAC28B9.DAT in cnaccm folder to apply path for Canon LBP2900B printer on Mojave

Central Points:

  • Carefully supervene upon both captmoncnab3 and CnAC28B9.DAT files in cnaccm and Bidi folders respectively. Even a minor error while replacing these files volition not apply the patch correctly.
  • Enter your Ambassador password while replacing the patch files.
  • You can unmount the disk and delete both and mac-capt-v1000-uken.dmg files from the desktop after applying the patch.
  • Rebooting your MacBook is optional but highly recommended.

Footstep iv: Setup Canon LBP2900B Printer on your Mac

After applying the patch, at present it'due south time to setup LBP2900B printer on your Mac machine. This step is very elementary and directly forward.

To setup Canon LBP2900B printer on Mac:

  1. Power on and connect your printer to MacBook using a USB cablevision.
  2. Open System Preferences… and select Printers and Scanners.
  3. Click on the + icon and choose Canon LBP2900B printer.
  4. Nether Use: driblet-down choice, pick Select Software…
  5. Search LBP3000 and from search results select Canon LBP3000 CAPT (Uk).
  6. Striking OK to terminate the setup process.

Select LBP3000 software to setup Canon LBP2900B printer on your Mac device

Your Canon LBP2900B printer is at present all prepare and fix to utilise. In case if you lot desire to examination the drivers and printing quality, click here to print a sample folio.

Decision for Canon LBP2900B Drivers on Mac Mojave

Despite the popularity of Canon LBP2900B printer, the drivers for the latest version of macOS is non nonetheless bachelor in Canon official store. The only possible and working solution to configure Canon LBP2900B printer drivers on macOS Mojave is by calculation LBP3000 printer from System Preferences and applying a patch to brand it compatible for LBP2900B model. Yous need to install a utility package and replace a couple of files carefully and your old Canon LBP2900B printer will starting time working on macOS Mojave.

Merely one thing I'm not sure is how information technology behaves when we connect both LBP3000 and LBP2900B models to the same device at the aforementioned. And so this might exist a existent deal-billow for people who own both models. If you have tried this example, delight allow u.s.a. know how your Mac behaves in the comment section below.

Canon Lbp 2900 Software Download for Mac

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